Friday, October 26, 2012

Practice Management
Value Proposition
  • Since 85% of the population has inherited or acquired load bearing biomechanical diseases (CDC), identifying these conditions are critical in the diagnosis and adjunctive treatment programs you provide.   Improving the quality of care will provide more referrals and practice growth.
  •  With very conservative utilization (10%), you should be able to generate an additional $278,400.00 in office revenue. If you maximize utilization to 70%, (remember 90% of you patients have justifiable diseases requiring intervention), income generations can go to $1,900,000.00. These figures are using a mix of cash and insurance patients.   Biomechanical intervention is generally underutilized at about 1% to 3% of patient loads get access. 
  • Using 3D Weight Bearing Imaging (3DO) as a baseline on ALL patients (New and returning patients) will provide greater awareness, education and confirmation that treating the cause of disease is vital to successful therapies. 

Marketing Programs
Market Primary Care Physicians for Organic Disease
  • Organic Diseases eat up 90% of every health care dollar
  • They represent the majority of patients in Primary Care Physicians offices
  • These patients do not want Toxic Drug or Surgery
  • 2 Mile Walking Programs (10,000 steps = 45 minutes) with good nutrition will change their lives and help revert and eliminate diseases such as borderline diabetes and hypertension as well as obesity.
  • See this blog for more information
Industrial Programs
  • On off days when office is closed, incentivize your staff to call on local businesses and provide Industrial Ergonomic Footwear Programs to combat Workers Compensation Claims and increase productivity and profits.  This drives in new patients to the medical practice.
  • See this blog for more information
Sporting Events
Consumer Markets
  • Community Health Fairs, Community Walks